Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Welcome! This is my first post. I'm very new at this so please be patient!  I want to keep this very low key and informal.  Every time I knit I imagine myself in a cozy chair surrounded by a ton of yarn among friends, having some wine.  So whenever I post please have that atmosphere on mind.

A few things you should know about me; I am an only child, I love to knit obviously, love to read and thanks to my sister in law am addicted to reading on my  iPad, am very random, which drives my husband nuts (7.5 yrs married) and would love to be sitting on the beach knitting and reading. I am a stay at home mom of two beautiful children who are the light of my life, along with my husband. I learned the art of knitting from my grandma as a teenager and have been knitting ever since. I love to knit and decided to share my creations with you!   

This just might be my outlet.  Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job I have and will ever have! So anyway........ Please follow me! I will be adding stuff and trying to figure things out as I go.  If you have any advice it would be appreciated!  Got to get dinner done! 


  1. I'll be following you!! I am a fan on your facebook page and I love your knitted goodies!! My grandma taught me how to knit too...and now that she's gone I rely on YOUTUBE to teach me what she didn't. :)

  2. Sandra you can now follow me I figured out some more tweaking.
