Hello, It's been a while. My giveaway has been over for a while but I'm still knee deep in some more. At this time all of the giveaways I'm participating in have been for a 40% off coupon for one item. I'm in one at FreshofftheHook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.530599483671574.1073741838.384934888238035&type=3 , Labella Vita Photography https://www.facebook.com/LBVfoto?fref=ts I'm joining a few more soon and I'll post those links as well.
So I've seen these flip flops and decided to make a pair of my own. I had some spare yarn and I did just one. Let me know what you think. I took a pic of it on my foot too so you could see what it looks like.
I also got these beautiful pictures of my new Pixie Princess Hat from Beata Chipman Photography! They are also listed in my shop. https://www.etsy.com/listing/152569336/pixie-princess-hat-custom-order-size?ref=shop_home_active
I also just listed my Chunky Cabled Bootcuffs pattern and will be soon listing them as well. https://www.etsy.com/listing/152571917/pattern-chunky-cabled-boot-cuffs-knit?ref=shop_home_active