Monday, March 31, 2014

{Oh Boy} RTS Little Guys Prop Shop

Tuesday April 1st 9am Eastern time the {Oh Boy} RTS Little Guys Prop Shop will be open!  Here's a sneak peak!  Follow the link to see all of the goodies!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Hello again!  I know it's been forever since I posted anything!  The holidays were great and now Spring is here and we're enjoying every minute of it.  I also started a Google + account and would love for you to follow me there.  I'm hoping to start just blogging here  for WIP projects and very random topics!  I hope you enjoy!

So with the start of spring I decided I wanted to try a Chevron blanket for my family.  I had all of these bright colors that have been staring at me wanting me to do something with them.  So here's a start of my blanket.

It went really fast I love the wavy look!  So I was wanting to keep to the rainbow theme but didn't want to buy more yarn but use what I had.  That was the whole point right?!   So I deviated some but I my kids love it and that's really all that matters since it's for us!  It's funny I'll start analyzing my work and criticizing it, "oops missed a stitch, off some here"  But again it's a blanket for my family so I have to make my self stop it!  So here's what I have accomplished over the weekend! I even ran out of bright pink yarn but just made do!  I love it! 

I did most of this at my in-laws cabin just out of Stanley.  We  went to the cabin this weekend to change out fire alarms in my in-laws cabin. Guess I forgot how tall their ceilings were! Glad I wasn't the one doing it. We also saw a lot of elk right on the trail from their cabin. My little boy learned how to drive a 4 wheeler all by himself, a standard even! I can't even drive a standard.

There was also a huge avalanche over the pass that had just been cleaned up a few days before we left.  Here's some pictures.  It was a little creepy to drive right past. 

So until next time!